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Building better business

Let’s co-create a future that is digital and sustainable

Creating the front runners of tomorrow

Hi! I'm Nick

I believe the 21st century needs a new type of business. I worked for years on the intersections of Technology, Business and Society and now use that experience to help new companies and initiatives scale faster.

In times when change is needed more and faster than ever, I help organizations and the people in them navigate the transition toward a future that is sustainable and digital. I accelerate the process from concept to results by playfully kick-starting collaboration, helping cure decision making disorder among leaders and developing essential digital capabilities as motors for sustainable growth.


What others say about me

I really liked working with Nick. He is a natural leader that really owns a topic for his team and makes sure they deliver what is really needed. He is not afraid to get his hands dirty and he’s good for his word.

Laetitia Nossek

Project Manager - Dutch Green Building Council

Nick has the power to bring a sense of lightness and humor to any topic or situation when needed. That’s why we really enjoy working with him on our projects, he’s a true Mischief Maker!

Lete Hulscher

Founder Mischief Makers

Nick is a creative whirlwind that improves anything in it’s way. He comes in with loads of energy, gets the ball rolling, starts things up and gets others involved. We really achieved a lot more than usual and I feel a lot of that can be attributed to him.

Dick van Egmond

Product Architect -

Nick combines enormous drive with strong analysis and an ability to learn new skills quickly. Being well informed in a wide field of topics, he has an ability to quickly adapt to new surroundings and be successful in very different fields.

Kamiel Brockhus

Director Customer Services - Basware

Nick’s genius is his ability to spot opportunities to create impact in many different situations. His warm personality and drive help convert a first idea into a project. Nick has a great way of involving others (colleagues, clients, and whomever he needs) in projects and opportunities – bringing structure, fun, power, a critical eye and tons of energy to the table!

Pieter Paul van Oerle

Founder nlmtd

I’m proud to have worked with

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What can I do for you?

I can help you started on your journey in various ways, ranging from planning to execution (and preferably both)


Digital strategy and branding

Product and service development

Growth hacking


Change/project management

Building high performing teams

Team coaching




Workshop facilitation

Workshop design

Digital capabilities training

Check out the about page for more info on me

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